Wednesday, November 21, 2007

We have a website!

Dear Friends,
The purpose of this update is to keep you informed on the happenings of our team as well as the testimonies of the lives that are being impacted in our summits. Our first edition includes the last two summits that we conducted in Rockville, IN and Dothan, AL. We hope that you are encouraged by these transformed lives.


Testimonies of God @ work… lives:
“My husband and I were on the brink of divorce. We both knew it was not right, but it seemed so much easier than getting mad at each other and having hatred. My husband has recently quit his job, and…I would come home from work and be furious to step into an atmosphere of disarray and chaos. I didn’t think I deserved to have to clean the house and pick up after him after I worked all day…God has shown me that so what, I need to love my husband and support him. Build his spirit instead of break him down…the Holy Spirit has filled me with joy and God is working wonders in my marriage.”

“A lot has happened over the last 11 days.…God showed me that, while there are many areas in which I struggle, most of them come down to one thing—bitterness. I have held on to bitterness for many years, and had no idea the impact it’s had on so much of my life. It’s a struggle to let go of it, but I am committed to getting serious with God about this.…I have a renewed desire to know Jesus more and to serve Him. Thank you for your faithfulness to God.”

“I was on the brink of divorce. My wife was not submissive and was disrespectful, and I was unfaithful as I had become emotionally involved with another woman.…we were both convicted of our long-standing disobedience, and the Lord is restoring our marriage. I have been quietly bitter for many years and had deliberately distanced myself from God to avoid the inevitable ‘smack on the head.’ We both are trying to communicate more effectively, and my wife is trying to give me the ‘wheel’ as I attempt my role as spiritual leader of my house.”

“God found me in rebellion to Him.” During the clear conscience message, God convicted this man that he needed to seek his boss’s forgiveness. Initially thinking that he was confessing a wrong attitude towards his boss’s authority, God later reminded him of an incident that if confessed could cost him his job. “I made a commitment to God that I would obey Him, and agreed with Him that I needed to follow through with my commitment. When I was finally able to meet with my boss, confess and ask for forgiveness, I received a response not characteristic of him. He thanked me for my honesty, documented the incident, and left it at that. Praise God.” teens:
“I can honestly say that I never left a service without God speaking to me.”

In these days, “I have really been challenged to be different than the normal teen (like Daniel!!) and to continually seek His face for my daily needs” children’s clubs:
Dear God, thank You for teaching me...
“So many things in base camp, and that it helped me change a lot. I’m glad that I came because I was a bad kid at first. Now I have changed.”
“That if you put something befor God that it is like worshiping that thing, and that if somebody starts something that you know is wrong, dosen’t mean you have to go along with it.”

“I’ve been learning About you A lot. Lord I always want you to be in my heart. Lord I want to come to heaven with you, becAuse I Always want to be with you. Lord I want you to help me obey. I love you Lord.”

“I now a lot now because I have ben study your word Lord and I Love you and I will prays you Lord rite here rite now and for the rest of My life”