Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Thomasville, Georgia

Wow! God is so good. What an incredible time in Thomasville, GA. God had prepared the church through prayer. Several public testimonies made reference to God beginning the work in their hearts during the prayer meetings leading up to the summit.

The first Sunday morning we had standing room only. The chairs were moved out of the choir loft to help with seating. On day eleven of the summit there were very few empty seats. I told the pastor that some summits are like isolated showers, with individuals and families touched by God, but they are scattered all around. Some summits are like thunderstorms, like in Mansfield, LA when God just broke in one night to our surprise and moved in on the service. But some are like a gentle downpour all day long. In this case, the large majority of the Sunday morning crowd attended every night and God's Word just washed away sin and complacency.

Two of the three staff members were deeply touched and very much on board. We had great times of fellowship, prayer and discussions around the Word. Public testimonies seemed broad, across all ages of men and women, from teens to seniors.

The leadership meeting we had the second Sunday was one of the sweetest and most intimate that I remember in years. There was no "pulling teeth" to get the men to talk, and several were in tears as they shared.

I never remember so many church members saying that they didn't want to go back to the way things were. We believe that God will not let them since He was pleased to do so much in so many. We praise the Lord for the opportunity to minister in this place.

“When I heard my church was having a 10 day revival I was dreading it, but also had the attitude that maybe God would “fix” my husband and children...I quickly realized I was the one that needed some “fixing”!”


In Repentance...
“God found me broken, prideful, judgmental, hypocritical, depressed, and angry. After hearing Laine teach on mercy, I broke down and wept and spent that night face down before God seeking forgiveness for specific sins more than 28 years ago. I suffered physical, mental, and sexual abuse as a young boy and have been bitter ever since. God revealed Psalm 32 and as I prayed through my sins God removed the guilt and set my paths straight. To God be the glory. May His mercy never cease.”

“I have served in the church 40 years and have never been so touched [as] by your team. As God revealed Himself to me and the need for repentance, I was broken and faced my shallowness with great remorse. Ministry to others and meeting their approval had become my god. I pray that God will help me to seek Him in daily Bible study and prayer and to hunger and thirst after His righteousness every day.”

In Surrender…
“Where did God find me? In control – of everything. From getting up in the morning to laying down at night – I made all decisions. Decisions without prayer. Which caused many missed blessings from the Lord, a tense marriage, an aggravated mother, and exhaustion! I heard the Lord tell me during the revival to let go and let God. Give control back to Him. Immediately I felt relief. A weight off my shoulders! I am looking forward to the blessing He has in store for me! I am looking forward to a marriage that is run through God by my husband. I am looking forward to raising my kids with Godly guidance. I am looking forward to REST! I am looking FORWARD!”

In Teens…
“I can hardly even begin to describe what God has done this week...He has taken me by the shoulders and gave me a good shake back into reality. My eyes have been opened to how perfect God is, and that I am a great piece of nothingness. I needed God so much that it was unreal. I realized that I needed to step out of my self- righteous bubble and into someone’s arms that desperately wanted me…God. I was not making Him Lord, and I wasn’t genuinely repenting of my sins. I honestly see what an important thing that is now. God has been so great, and this week I have been given a new desire to develop a relationship with God that last.”

“Wow! Well God has showed me sooo many things! God showed [me] to never be content in my relationship with Him. He showed me to seek His face daily and to fully surrender my life to Him. God showed me to completely rely on Him. I cannot do anything on my own. He showed me how unworthy I am to even be in His presence but yet how much He wants me there. The Lord revealed to me this verse one night during my devotion. Psalm 86:11b “Lord give me a heart that wants nothing more than to worship you.” I find myself praying that to God all the time, and wow how He has answered that. My desires and dreams have changed dramatically, I desire God with all my heart and long to know Him more. My devotions with Him are so beneficial and so meaningful! I’m LOVING IT! JESUS IS AMAZING!”

“I thank you for helping my daughters grow closer to God by explaining about opposite sex relationships and modesty. They have already begun to clean out their closet!”
— a mom

In Children...
Dear God,
Thank You for teaching me…

“Your word. It really helps, my friends say I’m nicer, and they have seen changes in me...Thank you so much, at first I thought it was gonna be boring, but after the 2nd session it got fun, and I really wanted to come. I would beg my parents to take me because it was fun and I learned a lot!”

“obidience. Base camp has helped me live my life. I don’t get mad or fight with my sister. I am not gettin in trouble at school any more. I have been more peaceful. I have also not been as greedy as I usualy am.”

“how I’ve been forgiving others. And asking for forgiveness. I’ve been worked on for more self-control and actions. And making me feel bad when I’m doing something wrong.”