Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Opelika, AL and Elgin, SC

Opelika, Alabama! This was our third visit in the past four years. We had a full summit, a follow-up and now a four-day summit with an emphasis on marriage. We believe that God has strengthened marriages and families. The day we left, a senior deacon in the church was hopefully converted. The Sunday after we left, numerous individuals testified to the work of Christ in their hearts and homes. One teen girl was also hopefully converted during communion service. We love Union Grove Baptist Church and we are grateful for the ongoing work of God there.

This was our second visit to Elgin, South Carolina. This visit was a good wake-up call to the staff and church. Setting this time aside has reminded people of what God has said in the past and has again burdened the staff for the people of God. We were unsure of the work of God here, but on the last night, testimonies and prayer went on for over an hour. The men filled the altar to pray and the pastor poured out his heart to the Lord. Many seemed to be dissatisfied with playing church.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Baytown, Mineral Wells, and Abilene, TEXAS


Wooster Baptist Church is situated in an older part of the community that is slowly being bought out by the large oil refineries (Texaco, Exxon, Mobil, etc.). In order to accommodate their rapid growth, these large oil companies needed to do something with all the profit they’re making—so why not expand their facilities and kill a community? It’s really strange to drive through a neighborhood that at one time had over a thousand homes and now sits as a vacant bird sanctuary. In one neighborhood everything was completely leveled. The only trace of this once thriving development were the remains of driveways for each house. It’s so discouraging.

From all outward appearances, the church seemed to reflect the community—bleak and lacking. However, this was not the case within the core church. Even though attendance seemed sparse at times, the core group of believers and leaders kept coming and responding to the Lord’s Word. On testimony night a third of the church gave powerful testimony to what the Lord had done within their personal lives, marriages and homes. PTL! We were particularly encouraged by the response of the deacons. A third of these men were vividly moved and spoke of radical personal transformation. One of the highlights of our time at WBC was the salvation and baptism of a young married couple with 2 children. Talk about a “Damascus Road Experience”!! They were totally transformed. Please pray for Amanda & Jesús (pronounced Hay-soos) as they get plugged-in. Upon leaving the church it was neat to hear how excited the pastor was with the overall renewing work of God’s spirit.

Please keep praying for our team as we continue to minister in the strength of the Lord. There are still many opportunities for us as we continue our travels.

—Ryan Loveing for the Red Team

“When I first heard how long this revival would be, I was negative, to say the least. Now, I don’t want it to end. I prayed for God to change and grow my church. Instead He changed and grew me.”

Testimonies of God @ Work…

In Salvation...

“I was found—lost deep in the darkness of this world. Confused, but also seeking answers to what was going on in my life. My life had come to a point where I was about to lose two of the most precious marriage and my family. And my own eternal future, simply put: I was on my way to hell—first class ticket. But God pulled me off that train and I am so glad for that. He also saved my wife who I had led the wrong [way], but last Sunday, we both gave our lives to the Lord and are going to fight to get our family and lives back in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

—José de Jesús Murillo

In the Home...

“My wife and I identified things in our hearts that displease God, shame us, and damage our witness of Christ to others. We found ourselves broken down and rebuilt by God’s grace and love by His hand, through this ministry. We see hope and determination among our church family to live and worship in a manner that pleases God and strengthens our unity.

We are aggressively scrutinizing influences (particularly television) that we expose ourselves to that are impure in nature and eliminating them from our lives. We are striving to love and care for each other and our son in a Biblical manner that honors each other and God.”

-Chris Gotlus

In Parenting...

“The home life café has shown me new ways to deal with issues that come up with my kids. We have taken the handout on the 21 rules of the house and copied them and put them up all over our house so no matter where you are you see a set of rules. The rules have helped change the whole attitude of our family.”

—a mom

In a Heart of Worship...

“This summit found me in a stagnant state, I thought I was playing my guitar on the praise team for God, but I was just filling a gap on stage. I feel now what true worship is, it’s not just praises in music but praising Him with ALL of my life, and with ALL of my possessions He has given me.”

—Roel Garces

In Teens...

“Life Action Ministries helped me and my family become closer. My father and I were on a hello—goodbye basis and we got to apologize to each other and even went four-wheeling today together. It’s really helped my family and we appreciate it.”

This young man used to fight with his mother constantly and he had no desire to change that fact: “I came into this summit saying, “I really don’t want to go to my mom.” But as the summit progressed, God changed his attitude and gave him the grace to reconcile: “Now we are always getting along, I even gave her a hug this morning. I have felt so much better…”



Mineral Wells is a small community about 45 minutes west of Ft. Worth, Texas. The church in which we were serving, Fairview Baptist Church, was formerly a private family chapel that is approximately 115 years old. It’s located far off the beaten path. As a matter fact, it is at least fifteen minutes away from any commercial business, and the only way you’d be able to find its location is to be bound and determined. Our immediate neighbors to the east and north of us were a bunch of mooing cows. This is BEEF country!

The pastor of this church is a young man by the name of John Tunnel. John’s faithful ministry and the Lord’s sovereign hand have allowed this church to grow from a small chapel, into a light within its community. Although the attendance is somewhat smaller than the average church we minister in (average Sunday attendance, 175) and the nightly attendance was a little on the low side (50% excluding children) we had incredible life-altering testimonies. Sixteen in all—and 80% were men! We praise God for all He’s done and is continuing to do within this dear body of believers!

Here are a few God size (that’s bigger than Texas) testimonies of what we saw and heard! It truly was an incredible time of ministry! Here y’all go:

Testimonies of God @ Work…

In Marriages...

“I am truly at a loss for words. God is so awesome! Why am I surprised by the revival in me, my husband, and my home...when God did create the heavens and earth in as little as one week?! I was able to share and clear my conscience with my husband. My husband was able to repair hurt in me with just forgiveness and encouragement...which obviously was delivered through the Holy Spirit! We removed all pornographic material from our home. We pray over each other. We pray over our children. (there wasn’t much “we” in our lives before!) we lived separate lives before the summit! Now, we are united! We renewed our wedding vows...when just three weeks before, I had feared divorce. Praise God! I am excited to embrace my family’s future with God as our center and leader! God has developed excitement within me...for He has allowed me to fall in love with my husband again!”

—Ann Gourley

“I am 52 years old, the father of two grown men and a 12 year old daughter. My wife and I had become so complacent with each other to the point we were strangers living in the same house. My family had gotten to where we no longer shared in prayer time. It really seemed as if God had just become a word and no more. The first lesson we went through revealed so many things to me and my family. We were all dumbfounded from that first meeting. It has been one thing after another as how far from God we had become. We all looked at ourselves as God was seeing us. Since that first meeting we have made a complete turn around. My marriage has been restored and a new excitement has taken over our home. And I have finally been able to forgive my dad after 52 years of bitterness and real hatred for him. God has been so good to me and my family during this time. We have experienced revival in our lives and in no way would I ever go back to the person I was.”

—David Fowler

“I was going thru the motions in my marriage—doing what was necessary and my heart was angry and bitter at my husband. I knew there was more to God than us going to church and praying at meals. This summit showed me what I was looking for: how to be holy before God. God lovingly showed me all my sin and I confessed before God and my husband and for the first time in my life my rebellious spirit inside was at peace—wanting to submit to God and be the loving helpmeet God designed me for. I did not have to fight to think of God first—He was/is first—as easy as breathing. I will keep a pure heart, clean conscience, and continually ask for grace to get thru each moment.”

-Kathryn Perley

In Submission...

“God has shown me during this revival that I need to allow my husband to be the head of our home. You see, he is not a Christian. I have been so involved in church and my own ministry (Hearts to Him Ministries) that I have neglected his needs. I haven’t been obedient when he has asked me not to go to minister in prisons and other areas. Ryan was asked “What does a woman do if her husband tells her not to go to church?” Ryan said that you shouldn’t go. This really spoke to my heart. I realized that I had been disobedient to God because I didn’t respect what my husband wanted me to do. I asked my husband to forgive me for not giving him the honor he deserved as the head/man of our home. I believe this is just the beginning of a much better marriage. Please pray for him that God would speak to him through my obedience.”

-Dorinda Brown

In Cleansing the Home...

“The Lord showed me through this revival that though my life is full of sin I have the power to overcome it with His grace. One specific area that Ryan hit on when he said regarding parents that what we do in moderation our children will do in excess. Though I am not an alcoholic, I do drink probably on a weekly basis. I do this under the excuse that drinking is not prohibited in the Bible. However, I do know that we shouldn’t be stumbling blocks to others. So I had quit drinking in public and even being discrete when I buy alcohol. What I hadn’t realized was that I was being a stumbling block to the ones that I love most, my two sons. They took great joy pouring out the three beers that had been sitting in our fridge all through revival. I told them that I would try to be a better reflection of Jesus. We look forward to the changes in our lives to come.”

—Daniel Vargas

In Teens…

“Our youth group hasn’t really been too close the last few months. It’s needed help and guidance, but we haven’t been able to find it. This revival has really helped bring us together. We’ve been praying daily with each other and been encouraging each other a lot...God is great and He has truly been working in our lives this week.”

“During this summit God really convicted me in a way that only He could. He showed me that I was hanging out with the wrong crowd outside of church. He also showed me that I wasn’t coming to church for the right reasons. I was mainly coming just to be with my friends and now I believe that God will help me to come for the right reasons.”


In Children…

Dear God, thank You for teaching me…

“to have self-control and not to get upset at my siblings. Thank you for helping me let others go first. And not to always be the boss of things. And for teaching me not to be shy. To always pray for people when they need it. and for me when I need it. to really think about your word more often and not to just fly through it. I Love You JESUS!”



Abilene, Texas posed one of our greatest challenges of the year: How do you minister to a church that is basically dead or at least dying? 90% of our attendees were over 50. There were almost no youth and a few bus children. One of the pastor’s primary goals for being at the church for the past four years was to get Life Action to come minister. As we approached our second Sunday, our hope that God was going to do something was almost gone. Then there was a slight break-through in the deacons meeting Sunday afternoon. Due to time restraints, however, there was not enough time to explore the sins of the past and why God might be removing the lamp stand from here.

Monday evening, an 84 year old deacon stood and listed several things from the past that he felt God was not pleased with. To make a long story (an hour and a half) short, the pastor then began repenting for sins on his behalf, and on behalf of previous pastors who didn't lead in the right way. Several other men confessed their failure to confront sin, and to stand by the pastor now and/or in the past. They also recognized and confessed having a contentious spirit. These men sought the forgiveness of the congregation and publicly encouraged and supported their pastor.

Eventually, all were called up to surround the pastor, his wife, and his 16 year old son, to pray for them. A little later we broke the church up for a season of prayer. There were still a few that continued to pray long after the crowds left to go home.

During the summit, the pastor shared that his son had been going through a season of rebellion. This was common knowledge within the church as well as the community. On the last night, his son was so overwhelmed and convicted by the undeserved love of God and God's people towards him. He couldn't get away from people as they would just come up and pray for him. He finally got away to get before the Lord and repent. He went home to seek his parents forgiveness and reconciled (two-way street) over several issues. He came out of that time to see two of our team guys on the floor praying for him, again he was overwhelmed.

By his own admission, he has a long list of people from which to seek forgiveness. I am reminded of Romans 2:4 "...the kindness of God leads you to repentance." (please see his written testimony below)

By the pastor’s request, we had a daily early morning men's prayer meeting that was sparsely attended, usually by five of us. Two of our staff, the pastor, the chairman of deacons, and one or two other men. The final morning, we had fourteen total. Praise The Lord!

Only time will tell, but there is more hope than ever that God is restoring His bride here.

Grace and Mercy, the Red Team.

“Even though I asked the Holy Spirit to show me my sins, I must not have listened all that well. I am so thankful He showed me through you how far I had strayed, while still thinking I wasn’t doing badly at all...those of us who don’t commit actual “crimes” sometimes forget how God sees our sin.”

Testimonies of God @ Work…

In a Prodigal Son…

Pastor John Tunnell and his wife, Sherry, had been concerned about their wayward teenage son, and had been praying for him for a couple of years. The Lord answered their prayer, and towards the end of the summit their son, Jordan, gave testimony to God’s working:

“God found me a few nights ago drowning in my own sin...selfish, conceited, and just full of my self. Showing me how much He, my church family, and worldly family loved me and how I was so unworthy and undeserving of His love, mercy, and forgiveness. Immediately I was convicted, and God told me how I had to ask forgiveness from everyone who was effected by my sin, I am still going through the list. The next morning in the men’s prayer time God revealed this verse: Prov. 21:21 “He who pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity, and honor.” My dad and I are memorizing it together and I asked him to keep me accountable to pursue righteousness and love for the rest of my life. Now I find myself closer to God than I ever imagined possible. I am giving my sin to God and running away as fast as I can. God is constantly blessing me, I love Him so much. To God be the Glory!”

“Of all the hopes we have had for this revival, nothing could mean more to us than to see our prodigal son wake up from the pig pen and run to God and his family.”

—Sherry Tunnell

In Freedom from Sin...

“I hadn’t been to church on a Sunday morning in months until you all got here. I had lost my faith in God and was living just for myself...i was cutting myself every time something bad or sad happened or just when I felt I couldn’t deal. Now every time that happens or I get the urge to cut—I pray. I want to thank you for showing me I was wrong for hurting myself for almost 4 years and that by hurting myself, I was hurting the Lord.”

—Christie Wagley (teen)

In a Surrendered Life...

“God, this is MY life, I will do what I want,” this teen girl had inwardly been saying before the summit. “I had been so stressed and I was dealing with it the wrong way. I snapped at everyone who came near me, I had foul language, I did not honor my parents, and I certainly did not honor God. I thought about drinking and drugs, but God was holding me back.” But through the course of the eleven days, God changed her heart: “He has shown me that this is NOT my life, this is HIS life, and I cannot run it by myself. I am lost without Him...It hurts me so much that I have hurt Him and brought shame upon Him, but I know He has forgiven me for my sins, and just knowing that makes me want to get on my knees and matter how many times I wish I hadn’t done the things I’ve done, I can’t take them back, but I no longer have to live with that burden on my shoulders.”

—Jessica Farquar

In Repentance...

“The Lord has touched my life in many ways this week. He broke open the concrete wall around my heart and made it tender once again. I admitted the numerous sins that were a part of my life. Sins such as pornography, lust, and gossip. I now find myself looking for other things to do because I have no desire for my old lifestyle. I also, use to give God maybe five minutes of my time each day. Now that God has opened my eyes to His truth, I look for ways to serve Him throughout the day. I used to think, I can’t fit an hour of my time in for God. However, now an hour is not enough. I now feel more secure in my salvation...To God be the Glory for ever and ever.”

—Tanner Kilpatrick (teen)

In Finances...

“God found me in a state of apathy and where I was not surrendering my all to Him. We moved to Abilene 3 days before you came to our church and money in our house was tight to none. I was not sure where we were going to get our next meal from or pay any of our bills let alone buy diapers for our daughter. I stressed and worried about this for many days and nights. One evening as I sat here and listened to Laine preach about our need to surrender EVERYTHING to God, I made up my mind and heart to give everything to Him, no holding back. God has blessed our little family time and time again over the past few days. We now realize that all we have is His and He will take care of us if we let Him.”

—Samantha Cox

In Children…

Dear God, thank You for teaching me…

“To forgive people and to have respect for others young or old.”

“that the hard times you take us through you do that so we can be prepared for our future.”

“about grace, humility, and the meaning of the word order. All this stuff really means a lot to me and everyone else, so we can have a closer bond to You. For You are the mighty God, Prince of Peace, Saivor. Since You died on the cross for our sins, we all should be humble, You did that for us, for everybody in my life. I have never felt closer to You God. I am grateful You did this for us. And you gave your life.”

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Thomasville, Georgia

Wow! God is so good. What an incredible time in Thomasville, GA. God had prepared the church through prayer. Several public testimonies made reference to God beginning the work in their hearts during the prayer meetings leading up to the summit.

The first Sunday morning we had standing room only. The chairs were moved out of the choir loft to help with seating. On day eleven of the summit there were very few empty seats. I told the pastor that some summits are like isolated showers, with individuals and families touched by God, but they are scattered all around. Some summits are like thunderstorms, like in Mansfield, LA when God just broke in one night to our surprise and moved in on the service. But some are like a gentle downpour all day long. In this case, the large majority of the Sunday morning crowd attended every night and God's Word just washed away sin and complacency.

Two of the three staff members were deeply touched and very much on board. We had great times of fellowship, prayer and discussions around the Word. Public testimonies seemed broad, across all ages of men and women, from teens to seniors.

The leadership meeting we had the second Sunday was one of the sweetest and most intimate that I remember in years. There was no "pulling teeth" to get the men to talk, and several were in tears as they shared.

I never remember so many church members saying that they didn't want to go back to the way things were. We believe that God will not let them since He was pleased to do so much in so many. We praise the Lord for the opportunity to minister in this place.

“When I heard my church was having a 10 day revival I was dreading it, but also had the attitude that maybe God would “fix” my husband and children...I quickly realized I was the one that needed some “fixing”!”


In Repentance...
“God found me broken, prideful, judgmental, hypocritical, depressed, and angry. After hearing Laine teach on mercy, I broke down and wept and spent that night face down before God seeking forgiveness for specific sins more than 28 years ago. I suffered physical, mental, and sexual abuse as a young boy and have been bitter ever since. God revealed Psalm 32 and as I prayed through my sins God removed the guilt and set my paths straight. To God be the glory. May His mercy never cease.”

“I have served in the church 40 years and have never been so touched [as] by your team. As God revealed Himself to me and the need for repentance, I was broken and faced my shallowness with great remorse. Ministry to others and meeting their approval had become my god. I pray that God will help me to seek Him in daily Bible study and prayer and to hunger and thirst after His righteousness every day.”

In Surrender…
“Where did God find me? In control – of everything. From getting up in the morning to laying down at night – I made all decisions. Decisions without prayer. Which caused many missed blessings from the Lord, a tense marriage, an aggravated mother, and exhaustion! I heard the Lord tell me during the revival to let go and let God. Give control back to Him. Immediately I felt relief. A weight off my shoulders! I am looking forward to the blessing He has in store for me! I am looking forward to a marriage that is run through God by my husband. I am looking forward to raising my kids with Godly guidance. I am looking forward to REST! I am looking FORWARD!”

In Teens…
“I can hardly even begin to describe what God has done this week...He has taken me by the shoulders and gave me a good shake back into reality. My eyes have been opened to how perfect God is, and that I am a great piece of nothingness. I needed God so much that it was unreal. I realized that I needed to step out of my self- righteous bubble and into someone’s arms that desperately wanted me…God. I was not making Him Lord, and I wasn’t genuinely repenting of my sins. I honestly see what an important thing that is now. God has been so great, and this week I have been given a new desire to develop a relationship with God that last.”

“Wow! Well God has showed me sooo many things! God showed [me] to never be content in my relationship with Him. He showed me to seek His face daily and to fully surrender my life to Him. God showed me to completely rely on Him. I cannot do anything on my own. He showed me how unworthy I am to even be in His presence but yet how much He wants me there. The Lord revealed to me this verse one night during my devotion. Psalm 86:11b “Lord give me a heart that wants nothing more than to worship you.” I find myself praying that to God all the time, and wow how He has answered that. My desires and dreams have changed dramatically, I desire God with all my heart and long to know Him more. My devotions with Him are so beneficial and so meaningful! I’m LOVING IT! JESUS IS AMAZING!”

“I thank you for helping my daughters grow closer to God by explaining about opposite sex relationships and modesty. They have already begun to clean out their closet!”
— a mom

In Children...
Dear God,
Thank You for teaching me…

“Your word. It really helps, my friends say I’m nicer, and they have seen changes in me...Thank you so much, at first I thought it was gonna be boring, but after the 2nd session it got fun, and I really wanted to come. I would beg my parents to take me because it was fun and I learned a lot!”

“obidience. Base camp has helped me live my life. I don’t get mad or fight with my sister. I am not gettin in trouble at school any more. I have been more peaceful. I have also not been as greedy as I usualy am.”

“how I’ve been forgiving others. And asking for forgiveness. I’ve been worked on for more self-control and actions. And making me feel bad when I’m doing something wrong.”

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Guyton, Georgia

The following are testimonies from the team's past two churches, New Providence Baptist Church and Pineora Baptist Church (both in Guyton, GA).

"The last ten days I have been encouraged that we do have hope at New Providence Baptist Church. We have been through tough times here the last two years and have built walls around ourselves. It has made us dry and somewhat cold at times. I have seen those walls start to come down over the last ten days. Praise the Lord and thank you Life Action."

"We have felt encouraged and challenged. It has felt like a 10-day feasting of God's Word and His truths and it just fills me and humbles me and strengthens me. To God be the glory!"

Testimonies of God @ Work...

In a clear conscience...

This man was convicted in many areas of his life, but especially in the area of his past. "There was...a time in my life before I was saved where I had cheated in three different classes in college. I did not realize that this was still displeasing to God...because it was before I was saved. Therefore, I have purposed in my heart to go to these men and seek their forgiveness."

In a wife and mother…

"I feel as if my relationship with Christ has been taken to a much deeper level because of all I've learned. I am more aware of the ways I have not been submissive to my husband—to the point that I was blatantly defiant toward him in front of our children just two days ago. I had such a horrible day all the next day; it bothered my spirit so much that I found myself asking for my husband's forgiveness yesterday evening and explaining what I had done wrong to my children and asking their forgiveness as well. That has never been part of my normal nature and I thank God that He has made me more sensitive to my husband's need for respect. I pray it will make my marriage stronger. I am inspired to spend more time in the Word, more time in sincere prayer, to be the best wife and mother and daughter of Christ that I can be with the Lord's grace!"

In encouragement...

"it has been refreshing...we have had a difficult year in ministry this past year, and the Lord Jesus has been so faithful. It has been a time of great trials and purifying in our lives. We have sought Him and cried out to Him and He is so trustworthy. The timing of this Summit has been an absolute Divine gift from God!"

pastor's wife at New Providence

In teens…

"Life action has definitely brought the truth to my eyes. I've realized how ungodly my heart truly is and what I need to do to change my ways. I never quite understood who the Lord really is until now. He is SO much more than just the "spiritual" things. Knowing the Lord is profitable in EVERY aspect of our lives."

In children…

Dear God,

Thank You for teaching me…

"that not only do I need to have a bible but I need to read it and use it. I also learned I need to really reflect on the lessons...I learned to have God as my # one subject. I learned how I praise people in a sport and have never taken the time to praise God for His holiness. I have learned that the people you hang out with can reflect in you and you need to have the fruits of the spirit and not deeds of the flesh because it might be a problem because something small can turn into something very big. And the smallest sin can still pull you down."

"to be kind, and also please help me to be nicer. Also help me to focus on you. Also thank you for teaching me that I need to let go of the worldly things and follow you. Help me to be a better Christian. Help me to teach others about you."

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

As I spoke with the team just prior to our team prayer meeting one evening late in the summit, I announced… “Guys I have never said this in a summit before...but here, apart from a miracle of God, it is hopeless!” Laine and I had met with the staff and the division lines were drawn right down the middle. The pastor and youth pastor on one side and the music pastor and C.E. pastor on the other. After hours of intense consultation at our staff meetings, it seemed to only get worse. In fact, one of the pastors would not even talk. When pressed he would just say, “I am not going to talk about this.” To this the pastor would just lean back in his chair in great frustration and exclaim…“See what I mean.” But then, God took over!! During the first night of testimonies, the senior pastor’s wife stood and sought forgiveness for her part in all the division. You see, she is the worship leader for the contemporary side of this church’s “worship wars” and had great division with the more traditional side headed up by the Minister of Music. Immediately, the Minister of Music rushed to the platform and embraced his sister in Christ. He then stood and apologized. The picture you have of the church standing together was after a deacon suggested they all be unified behind the pastor. I had to stand the next night, apologize to the team for my lack of faith and declare “A miracle was what was needed and that is what God sent.” This church, formerly in the liberal strain of the SBC, is now healing. There are still battles to be fought and won, but thanks to our Lord we believe our time at 1st Baptist, Mansfield, LA, was not in vain!

“I thought God had removed Himself from our church. We were fractured, bitter, and judgmental. God once again showed me how He is in control. He worked through the team to reveal our pitiful state and many of us responded with repentance.”

Testimonies of God @ Work...

“As much as I wanted to see true revival in the overall church, I know that it had to begin in me. My heart had grown cold and calloused because of my own pride, unforgiveness, and personal failure. The Holy Spirit impacted my heart with the Word of God and broke up the hardened ground—so that the stones of resentment could be removed and fresh seed was planted and nurtured. I now have a renewed hope and faith and [am] excited about being a part of what God is doing in my life, my marriage, my family, and my church.”

“This summit God found me at my wit’s end on my duties AND responsibilities as a deacon of this church. Our deacons and our staff are divided over the music at our church. My heart had been turning cold and I was not having Christ-like feelings about certain individuals. My heart was softened and I now have a different outlook at my church and my fellow Christian brothers and sisters.”

“God showed up at our church in such an AMAZING way! He began His work FIRST in me! I felt the Holy Spirit’s leading to quit my job and stay home and to be able to disciple my daughters and the liberty to minister with my husband. SECONDLY, after many prayers and perseverance, God began to break our church from the bondage of pride, bitterness, and unforgiveness.”
-Pastor’s wife

“We knew God was at work the first Sunday of the revival. My husband and I cried over our sin in our lives and a new importance and responsibility filled our thoughts and hearts each day as we sought God. I had wanted to come home from work for many years, yet never had the courage to. My husband...came home one day and told me how God had convicted his heart about me staying at home and being the mother and wife that I so longed to be. We’re now stepping out on faith and believing in God for all things and very happy to do so.”
-Youth Pastor’s wife

After twenty years of harboring bitterness towards a family member who had abused her, this woman has chosen to call out for God’s grace to forgive: “This is a memory I have wrestled with everyday. I have honestly never given a moment’s thought to forgiving this man. Until the Lord brought you into my life. Bro. Laine’s sermon on unforgiveness hit me hard. Almost too hard. It brought me to my knees. Truthfully, I thought to myself, ‘There is no way that I can do that!’ But gradually, the Lord began to slowly peel those layers of hate and unforgiveness. Although I cannot honestly say that I forgive him, I know that with God’s help, I will. I’ve even began to pray for this man, something that I never thought I would do. So, I thank God! My heartache is slowly starting to ease.”

“The past few weeks I was really struggling with whether or not I was saved. After Monday our Bible study about purity really got to me and I realized my sins...and that night I got saved! I was so relieved and now I know for sure.”

“God challenged me this week to deal with unforgiveness in my heart towards my rapist. That would have to be the most important thing to me because God gave me hope that I can forgive.”

“Over the past few days the Lord has shown me how selfish and prideful I was. God told me to stop and he broke me from my shackles of this life. I also gave everything to God because there were some areas that I would not give to Him but now it’s all in His hands.”

Dear God,
Thank You for teaching me:
“that I need to spend more time with him. I also need to obey my parents. Mostly to read from His book. I need to give more praying time to the Lowrd. To play less video games on my computer. Also to spend more time with my family.”

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Haynesville, LA

Our summit at First Baptist Church in Haynesville, LA turned out more positive than I originally thought. From the very beginning we had 75-80% of the Sunday A.M. attendance just about every night. The senior members of the church, who often absent themselves, stayed and engaged in the summit and were favorably impacted. One man’s testimony was symbolic of all that God did. His is the last one below. The former mayor of the city who had divorced his wife years ago stood during testimony night and sought the congregation's forgiveness for the divorce. He also indicated he knew that he would need to win back the trust of his
former wife (she was still in the church and neither had remarried). It is the prayer and hope of the Red team that we will be receiving a remarriage announcement. Thank you for your prayers and support for us here on the road. We are so appreciative of being your representatives here.

A woman: “My heart has been heavily burdened to start a more
in-depth study of God’s Word. And through this summit, instead of being burdened, I am now applying God’s Word to my life with actions, words, prayers, and facing God’s Word head on.”

A woman: “God found me bitter, resentful, and blaming others for my pain, only to find that it was my sin causing my own pain.” After obeying the prompting of the Spirit to seek forgiveness, she found peace with God and in her heart. She is seeking the Lord’s grace to restore broken relationships and guard her from choosing to blame others again.

A teen: “Before you got here, I was not living like I needed to be… I actually was satisfied with my relationship with God. Now I am not and will never be satisfied ever again. I am praying more and actually reading my Bible. God is giving me understanding; I now understand why I worship Him.”

A woman: “I felt God impressing me to repent of my disrespect and arrogance toward my spouse. For the last 30-35 years of our marriage, I have grown more independent toward my spouse.” She is now desiring and seeking God’s aid in overcoming this sin in her life.

A man: “During our meetings and services, Wilson and Laine seemed to be talking directly to me, because they touched so many tender areas. I have been divorced for 15 years and during these past days I was led to the point of admitting and accepting full responsibility for our divorce. On the 9th night, Laine asked for testimonies, and I submitted to God’s will to come up front, accept responsibility, asked my ex to forgive me, and let me earn my way back into her heart. We have had two glorious days of talking, praying, and sharing, and I pray to God we will soon be returned to a full life TOGETHER.